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480 lines
;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:CLIO-OPEN; Base:10; Lowercase:T; Syntax:Common-Lisp -*-
;;; |
;;; P.O. BOX 149149 |
;;; AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714 |
;;; |
;;; Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 Texas Instruments Incorporated. |
;;; |
;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify, and |
;;; distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and permission |
;;; notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting documentation. |
;;; |
;;; Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without express or |
;;; implied warranty. |
;;; |
(in-package "CLIO-OPEN")
(export '(make-property-sheet
;;; |
;;; property-sheet |
;;; |
(defcontact property-sheet (core core-wm-shell transient-shell)
:type (or null int16)
:initform nil)
:type (or null int16)
:initform nil)
(control-default :type (or null contact)
:initform nil))
(border-width :initform 1)
(property-area :type (or function list) :initform nil)
(default-control :type (member :accept :cancel) :initform :accept)
(:documentation "A dialog which presents a set of related values for user editing."))
;;; |
;;; Accessors |
;;; |
(defmethod (setf contact-foreground) :after (new-value (self property-sheet))
(setf (contact-foreground (car (composite-children self))) new-value))
(defmethod property-sheet-area ((self property-sheet))
"Returns the property area of the PROPERTY-SHEET."
(with-slots (children) (first (slot-value self 'children))
(find :area children :key #'contact-name)))
(defmethod dialog-default-control ((property-sheet property-sheet))
(with-slots (control-default) property-sheet
(contact-name control-default)))
(defmethod (setf dialog-default-control) (new-value (property-sheet property-sheet))
(check-type new-value (member :accept :cancel) "one of :ACCEPT or :CANCEL")
(with-slots (control-default) property-sheet
(when control-default
(setf (choice-item-highlight-default-p control-default) nil))
(setf control-default
(find new-value (composite-children (first (composite-children property-sheet)))
:key 'contact-name))
(setf (choice-item-highlight-default-p control-default) t)
(defmethod dialog-accept ((self property-sheet))
"Invokes :accept callback function and pops down the dialog"
(if (callback-p self :accept)
(apply-callback self :accept)
(with-slots ((members children)) (property-sheet-area self)
(dolist (member members)
(apply-callback member :accept))))
(with-slots (pinned-p) self
(unless pinned-p (setf (contact-state self) :withdrawn))))
(defmethod dialog-cancel ((self property-sheet))
"Invokes :cancel callback function and pops down the dialog."
(with-slots (pinned-p) self
(unless pinned-p (setf (contact-state self) :withdrawn)))
(if (callback-p self :cancel)
(apply-callback self :cancel)
(with-slots ((members children)) (property-sheet-area self)
(dolist (member members)
(apply-callback member :cancel)))))
(defmethod shell-mapped ((self property-sheet))
"Invokes :initialize callback function."
(let ((footer (find :footer (composite-children
(car (composite-children self))) :key 'contact-name)))
(setf (display-text-source footer) " "))
(apply-callback self :map)
(apply-callback-else (self :initialize)
(with-slots ((members children)) (property-sheet-area self)
(dolist (member members)
(apply-callback member :initialize)))))
(defmethod (setf contact-state) :after ((new-state (eql :mapped)) (self property-sheet))
;; Pointer warping must occur after :map-notify received, in case root-relative
;; positions have been changed by window manager redirection.
(with-slots (previous-pointer-x previous-pointer-y control-default display) self
(cond ((realized-p self)
;; Store position for pointer unwarping later....
(previous-pointer-x previous-pointer-y) (pointer-position self))
(pixel-round (contact-width control-default) 2)
(- (contact-height control-default) 2)))
(t ;; Ensure realized.
(update-state display))
(defmethod shell-unmapped :before ((self property-sheet))
(with-slots (previous-pointer-x previous-pointer-y) self
;; Unwarp pointer to original position, if necessary.
(when previous-pointer-x
(warp-pointer self previous-pointer-x previous-pointer-y))))
(defmethod dialog-warn ((self property-sheet) message field)
"Display a warning for verification error."
(assert (or (null field) (typep field 'contact)) nil "~s is not a contact." field)
(let* ((footer (find :footer (composite-children
(car (composite-children self))) :key #'contact-name))
(actual-message (or message "These values cannot be accepted."))
(tw (text-width (display-text-font footer) actual-message)))
(if (>= tw (contact-width footer))
:message actual-message
:near (or field (slot-value self 'control-default))
:parent self
:accept-only :on
(setf (display-text-source footer) actual-message))))
;;; |
;;; Initialization |
;;; |
(defun make-property-sheet (&rest initargs &key default-control &allow-other-keys)
"Creates and returns a property-sheet instance."
(declare (values property-sheet))
(when default-control
(assert (symbolp default-control) nil "~s is not a symbol name."))
(apply #'make-contact 'property-sheet initargs))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self property-sheet)
&key property-area (default-control :accept) &allow-other-keys)
(multiple-value-bind (area-constructor area-initargs)
(etypecase property-area
(let ((space (ab-height (getf *button-dimensions-by-scale* (contact-scale self)))))
(values 'make-table
:columns 2
:column-alignment :right
:same-width-in-column :on
:same-height-in-row :on
:horizontal-space ,space
:vertical-space ,space))))
(function property-area)
(list (values (first property-area) (rest property-area))))
(with-slots (width height) self
;; Create the manager
(let ((manager (make-contact 'property-sheet-manager
:name :manager
:parent self
:x 0 :y 0
:width width :height height
:border-width 0)))
;; Create the property area
(assert (typep (apply area-constructor
:name :area
:parent manager
:x 0 :y 0
:width width :height height
:border-width 0
'composite) nil
"Property area is not a composite." )
((verify (property-sheet)
(multiple-value-bind (verified-p message field)
(or (not (callback-p property-sheet :verify))
(apply-callback property-sheet :verify))
(if verified-p
(dialog-accept property-sheet)
(dialog-warn property-sheet message field))))
(menu-accept (property-sheet)
(verify property-sheet)
(throw :menu nil))
(menu-cancel (property-sheet)
(dialog-cancel property-sheet)
(throw :menu nil)))
;; Create buttons for command area
(add-callback (make-action-button :parent manager :name :accept :label "Apply")
:release #'verify self)
(add-callback (make-action-button :parent manager :name :cancel :label "Reset")
:release #'dialog-cancel self)
;; Create footer area - display-text-field
(make-display-text-field :parent manager :name :footer :alignment :left
:display-gravity :west)
;; Create settings menu
(let ((choice (menu-choice (make-menu :parent self :title "Settings"))))
(add-callback (make-action-item :parent choice :name :accept :label "Apply")
:release #'menu-accept self)
(add-callback (make-action-item :parent choice :name :cancel :label "Reset")
:release #'menu-cancel self))
;; Set default control
(setf (dialog-default-control self) default-control))))))
;;; |
;;; property-sheet-manager |
;;; |
(defcontact property-sheet-manager (core composite)
((compress-exposures :initform :on))
(event-mask :initform #.(make-event-mask :exposure)))
(:documentation "The geometry manager for property sheet component areas."))
(defmethod change-layout ((self property-sheet-manager) &optional newly-managed)
(declare (ignore newly-managed))
(with-slots (width height parent) self
;; Ensure big enough for property area if possible.
(multiple-value-bind (pw ph) (preferred-size self)
;; Let window mgr know new preferred minimum height.
(with-wm-properties (parent)
(setf (wm-min-width parent) pw
(wm-min-height parent) ph))
(let ((rw (when (< width pw) pw))
(rh (when (< height ph) ph)))
;; Don't need to request larger size?
(not (or rw rh))
;; Request for larger size rejected?
(multiple-value-bind (approved-p nx ny nw nh)
(change-geometry self :width rw :height rh :accept-p t)
(declare (ignore nx ny))
(and (not approved-p) (eql nw width) (eql nh height))))
;; Yes, adjust child layout for current size.
(adjust-layout self))))))
(defmethod adjust-layout ((psm property-sheet-manager))
(with-slots (width height children) psm
((space (point-pixels
(contact-screen psm)
(getf *dialog-point-spacing*
(contact-scale (contact-parent psm)))))
(accept-button (find :accept children :key #'contact-name))
(abw (contact-border-width accept-button))
(awidth (+ abw abw (contact-width accept-button)))
(aheight (+ abw abw (contact-height accept-button)))
(cancel-button (find :cancel children :key #'contact-name))
(cbw (contact-border-width cancel-button))
(cwidth (+ cbw cbw (contact-width cancel-button)))
(cheight (+ cbw cbw (contact-height cancel-button)))
(property-area (find :area children :key #'contact-name))
(footer (find :footer children :key #'contact-name))
(footer-height (contact-height footer))
(button-y (- height (+ (max aheight cheight) space footer-height 1)))
(button-x (pixel-round (- width (+ awidth cwidth space 1)) 2)))
;; Adjust footer geometry.
(resize footer width footer-height (contact-border-width footer))
(move footer 0 (- height footer-height))
;; Adjust button geometry. Make their top edges align.
(move accept-button button-x button-y)
(move cancel-button (+ button-x (+ awidth space)) button-y)
;; Adjust property-area geometry: preferred size if possible, but
;; no more than available space.
(multiple-value-bind (pw ph) (preferred-size property-area :width 0 :height 0)
(let ((paw (min (max 1 (- width space space)) pw))
(pah (min (max 1 (- height space space)) ph)))
(resize property-area paw pah 0)
;;Center property-area within available space.
(move property-area
(max space (pixel-round (- width paw) 2))
(max space (pixel-round (- button-y pah) 2))))))))
(defmethod display ((manager property-sheet-manager) &optional x y width height &key)
(declare (ignore x y height width))
(with-slots (width height children foreground) manager
(let ((footer (find :footer children :key 'contact-name)))
(using-gcontext (gcontext :drawable manager :background (contact-current-background-pixel manager)
:foreground foreground :subwindow-mode :include-inferiors)
(draw-rectangle manager gcontext 0 0
(max 1 (- width 1))
(max 1 (- height (contact-height footer) 1))
(defmethod rescale :after ((contact property-sheet))
(when (realized-p contact)
(refresh contact)))
;;; When the Property Area or one of the Buttons wants to change its geometry we must let it.
;;; A change in scale will change the sizes of our children.
(defmethod manage-geometry ((self property-sheet-manager) (child contact)
x y width height border-width &key)
(let (success-p)
(if (or
(and width (> width (contact-width child)))
(and height (> height (contact-height child)))
(setf success-p #'(lambda (self)
(multiple-value-bind (p-w p-h p-b-w)
(preferred-size self)
(cond ((and width (< (contact-width self) p-w))
(change-geometry self
:width p-w
:border-width p-b-w
:accept-p t))
((and height (< (contact-height self) p-h))
(change-geometry self
:height p-h
:border-width p-b-w
:accept-p t))
(t (change-layout self))))))
;; else...
(setf success-p t))
(values success-p
(or x (contact-x child))
(or y (contact-y child))
(or width (contact-width child))
(or height (contact-height child))
(or border-width (contact-border-width child)))))
(defmethod preferred-size ((self property-sheet-manager) &key width height border-width)
(declare (ignore width height border-width))
(with-slots (children) self
(let* ((accumulated-width 0)
(highest 0)
(area (find :area children :key #'contact-name))
(buttons (REMOVE FOOTER (remove area children)))
(screen (contact-screen self))
(scale (contact-scale (contact-parent self)))
(pixel (getf *dialog-point-spacing* scale))
(hspace (point-pixels screen pixel :horizontal))
(vspace (point-pixels screen pixel :vertical)))
;;Find out how much space the buttons will need.
;;Remember: buttons are in a row, so we're interested in combined width
;; and the maximum height
(multiple-value-bind (pwidth1 pheight1 pbw1)
(preferred-size (first buttons))
(multiple-value-bind (pwidth2 pheight2 pbw2)
(preferred-size (second buttons))
(setf accumulated-width (+ pwidth1 pbw1 pbw1 hspace pwidth2 pbw2 pbw2)
highest (max (+ pheight1 pbw1 pbw1) (+ pheight2 pbw2 pbw2)))))
;;We can ignore the preferred border-width because property-sheet-manager
;;geometry management forces a zero-width border.
(multiple-value-bind (pwidth pheight)
(preferred-size area :width 0 :height 0)
(declare (ignore f-pwidth))
(values (+ (max pwidth accumulated-width) hspace hspace 2)
(+ pheight highest F-PHEIGHT vspace vspace vspace 2) ;; add two for rectangle
0)))))) ;; drawn around property-area
(defmethod resize :after ((self property-sheet-manager) width height border-width)
(declare (ignore width height border-width))
(adjust-layout self))
;;; |
;;; Actions |
;;; |
(defevent property-sheet-manager :enter-notify property-sheet-forget-warp)
(defevent property-sheet (:button-press :button-3) property-sheet-display-menu)
(defun property-sheet-forget-warp (property-sheet-manager)
(with-slots (parent) (the property-sheet-manager property-sheet-manager)
(with-slots (previous-pointer-x) (the property-sheet parent)
(with-event (kind)
;; Entering from a child? The first time this happens the child must be
;; the default control. Open Look GUI thus dictates that pointer will not
;; warp to original position after exiting the property-sheet
(when (eq kind :inferior)
(setf previous-pointer-x nil))))))
(defun property-sheet-display-menu (property-sheet)
(let ((menu (first (composite-shells property-sheet)))
(display (contact-display property-sheet)))
;; Pop up settings menu
(present-dialog menu :button :button-3 :state (with-event (state) state))
(catch :menu
(loop (process-next-event display)))
;; Pop down settings menu
(setf (contact-state menu) :withdrawn)))